
Best Practices to go from Overworked to Overjoyed

life lessons Oct 12, 2024

In today’s ultra fast paced society, where efficiency and optimization often overshadow personal well-being, the concept of self-care can feel unfamiliar, if not indulgent. But what if taking a step back is the most necessary move forward?

Recently, I found myself in Denver, surrounded by stunning natural beauty and the whisper of mountains calling my name. In the past, my itinerary would have been a blur of flights and deadlines, each moment accounted for with tasks layered in pursuit of productivity. Yet this time, I chose differently. I extended my stay. I took a hike. I embraced self-care.


⛏️The Importance of Self-Care

So what’s the point of all this? It’s about prioritizing self-care. Instead of rushing back to face an endless to-do list, I seized the moment to breathe, to explore, to rejuvenate. This was a departure from my usual routine—a commitment to myself that felt both novel and necessary. It was not always this way. My default setting involved constantly grinding, which inevitably led to burnout and sickness. It took an intervention from friends to spotlight my need for change.


⛏️Learning Through Change 

The transition towards genuine self-care was neither immediate nor easy. It began as simply as closing my eyes for five minutes, disconnecting from the digital world, and allowing myself to do absolutely nothing. Those Five minutes felt like an eternity. Over time, these pockets of peace have expanded, leading me to places and experiences, like this hike in Denver, that I never deemed possible in my work-centric life.


⛏️Reflect on Your Self-Care Practice

I got a question for you—what is your self-care practice? Before you dismiss this as leisure, consider this: if your idea of self-care merely involves trading your day job for other obligations, you might need a deeper reflection. It’s crucial to cultivate a practice that genuinely nurtures your soul beyond routine replacements.


⛏️Stepping Into Influence

By embracing self-care, you will find paths to improving your quality of life and expanding your influence. This isn’t just about personal peace; it sets a precedent, influencing others around you to recognize and prioritize their own well-being. This ripple effect extends your influence far beyond any single accomplishment at work or domestically.


⛏️Challenge Yourself to Change

So, take the leap. Venture beyond the boundaries of your usual commitments. Whether it’s a walk in the park, a day at the beach, or even an afternoon of unplugged relaxation, embrace the challenges and rejuvenation that self-care offers.

Remember, in nurturing yourself, you open doors for growth, both personally and within your community. Be cool, embrace change, and discover a renewed strength in self-care.

Talk at you next time, peace.

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