
Lessons from the Trenches: Learning from bad Leaders

field leadership Sep 28, 2024

We’ve all had them – those bad bosses who seem to bring out the worst in us. They make stressful situations even harder and sometimes make us question why we even chose this career path. But what if there was something valuable to learn from these frustrating experiences?

In my career, spanning various jobs from working fast food to pluming to change management, I’ve had exposure to a litany of bosses. And let me tell you, the bad ones always seemed to stand out. Complaining and moaning about them felt almost therapeutic at times. Yet, as my maturity and understanding evolved, I realized that some of my worst bosses were also my best teachers – though not in the way they intended.


⛏️ Lessons from the Worst Bosses

Looking back, it's clear to me now: bad bosses inadvertently helped me understand what not to do. Their behavior shaped my own professional conduct in significant ways.

* My lessons from the worst superintendent and journeyman plumber ever:**

  • Respect Your Subordinates: I watched how my journeyman treated apprentices poorly. It drove home the importance of respect and mentoring. As a result, I vowed never to treat an apprentice with anything less than the respect and guidance they deserved, I missed the mark a few times but I know I did better.
  • Be Present and Follow Through: The superintendent was unreliable and often shirked responsibilities. His actions taught me the value of being present and consistently following through on my commitments.
  • Don't Dump Problems: Rather than leaving problems for others to handle, I've learned to address issues directly. A true leader should never abandon their team to clean up messes they didn’t create.

 ⛏️Turning Complaints into Learning Opportunities

When you're stuck with a bad boss, it can be easy to wallow in complaints. However, the less you complain, the more you can learn. Instead of focusing on the negatives, shift your perspective and ask yourself, "What can I learn from this experience?"

**Here are some tips to make the most of your time under challenging leadership:**


  • Identify Weaknesses: Take note of what your boss does wrong and examine why they behave this way. This awareness will help you avoid these pitfalls in your own leadership style.
  • Self-Reflection: Reflect on how you react to difficult situations. This can lead to personal growth and a better understanding of your strengths and areas for improvement. Then take what you’ve learned and put it into practice.
  • Enhance Your Resilience: Working under tough conditions builds resilience, a valuable trait in any career. There are always going to be butt heads, learning how to persevere through their nonsense and still deliver results will set fast track your career.


⛏️ Discover More About Yourself

Sometimes, the darkest times offer the brightest insights. Are you able to find personal growth in these challenging situations? Understanding how you respond to stress and adversity can provide invaluable lessons about your character and capabilities.

**Next time you're in a tough spot with a bad boss, remember to:**

  • Look around and see what you can learn.
  • Focus on your personal growth and resilience.
  • Find out more about your strengths and how you can build on them.

You might even discover more about yourself during these times. And that, my friend, is priceless. Be cool and keep growing.


We'll talk at you next time. Peace✌️



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