
Who is SQI for

sweaty equity Dec 31, 2023

Several people have asked, "who should learn this stuff"? of course I say everyone🤓 But I recognize Im seeing that question through rose colored glasses. So in this blog I'm gonna try my hand at answering the question.

First I want to start with what I see as the ideal state. Having served in lots of roles in construction, it is clear to me that if Trade Foremen were equipped with this Sweat Equity Improvement thing our industry would be a very different place. The reason I pick foremen is because their work already requires them to be engaged with the installation of all the systems that keep our industry alive and their work requires them to interact with management. This sets them up to be the translators, advocates even, of how to make the work better and produce predictable outcomes. Yes it would be a big shift to have trade foremen spending their time studying and improving work, but its totally worth the investment.

The biggest challenge I see in realizing this vision is the urgency of all the work you currently have. Schedule & budget pressure make it nearly impossible to pull foremen off line to invest in professional development. Which explains why most Virtual SQI Learners are Trade Superintendents, Lean Construction Professionals, Operation Managers, Production Managers and GC staff. And by the way 100% of SQI Alumni have stated the Learning Experience was a valuable use of their time and that they would recommend it to a colleague.

Alright lets get to answering the darn question. Im gonna list out several roles and why I recommend these roles.

- Trade Superintendents: These construction professionals are one step removed from the violent urgency of the day to day on a hob site. Part of their responsibility is to be looking out several weeks into the future. This sets them up to be more strategic about when and where to apply their SQI knowledge. Their influence and relationships within the organization sets them up to get the stuff that will make the work better and share the learnings on other projects. 

- Lean Construction Professionals: These unique creatures already have an affinity for learning and removing waste. Virtual SQI will help them operationalize the Lean things they are always talking about which transforms them from the annoying auditors / trainers to a trusted resource. I think this happens because the system helps them quantify the impact of their lean efforts in real time. Plus Lean Professionals love teaching, and they can take what they learn and teach it within their organization.

- Operations Managers: Let me be clear, I am talking about operations managers of a trade contractor. This group knows the financial performance of the enterprise, particularly the labor overages the organization has been experiencing. These folks can determine the impact Sweat Equity Improvement would have on the organization at large and make a determination of how to use the system as a business strategy.

- General Contractors with Self Perform Operations: Much like Trade Superintendents, field Leaders within this group can use what they learn in Virtual SQI to increase production on the scopes they are responsible for. And they are well positioned to actualize the value and spread the knowledge to the other trades on site which would compound the gains for the GC, the trades and the client.

Plus all of these groups will be equipped with a system that has:

  • Increased Production
  • Enhanced Safety
  • Stabilized Quality
  • Fostered Moral

This list of ballers does not represent all the roles that would be transformed by learning and practicing Sweat Equity Improvement. The basic make up of the ideal candidate is a construction professional who has an interest in boosting profits, developing talent, retaining talent, and providing a safe & rewarding work experience for the men and women who do the work.

If you know anyone like this😉 share this blog with them and urge them to sign up with the next group of Virtual SQI.


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