Where do Heroes Live becoming the promise gifts & talents life lessons

Have you ever taken a leap and just "did the damn thing" because you had to? Well Story #14 is a story about this exact situation. The Lessons I took away are:

- Leveraging painful lessons in service to others is therapeutic

- serving others unlocks courage and reveals untapped gifts...

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Is it attraction or is it Trust becoming the promise lessons learned life lessons

The lesson in Story 13 is about trading instant gratification for long term impact. The instant gratification referenced in this story is sex. Yup the age old need & vice that challenges responsible decision making of the most practical among us. 

The long term impact comes...

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What if Their Formula is Broken becoming the promise

Have you ever thought:

  • Whats wrong with me?
  • When will I be calm?
  • When will I be normal like everybody else?

You are not alone! Story 6 is for the afflicted, those of us who have felt judged for that thing within us that is natural, its part of what makes us who we are. Im hoping you were...

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